
Sarsfields CamogieClub are having a Sponsored Cycle on Sunday 28th of June 2015 starting and finishing at Ward's Ballyfa.

Anyone who is 15 and over can Cycle.

Registration begins from 12.30pm at Wards of Ballyfa and Cycle starts at 1.30pm

There will be a Barbecue and Music in Wards Ballyfa after the Cycle!

The Route

Starting at Wards Ballyfa- to Bullaun, left at Bullaun to Carnagarry Cross, left at Carnagarry cross down to Carra cross, left at Carra cross to New Inn, Right at New Inn to Killann cross, Left at Killann cross and left again down Forestview, Left and down towards Cuppenagh, left to Gortmore and right at Sean Fahys garage towards Cloonbenis, Right towards grange and back up to Wards Ballyfa to Finish!

Check for more in Facebook