
Sarsfields Last Man Standing

Dec 2015 - Week 11 winners: Patsy Donohue, Paul Ryan, Johnny Coen and Michael Toher

Thank you to everyone that supported Sarsfields GAA​ Club by buying and selling tickets.

Where would we be without such great supporters!

    • Congratulations to Patsy Donohue, Paul Ryan, Johnny Coen and Michael Toher on 4-way split of top prize

    • 4 still standing after 2 were knocked out in Week 10.

    • 6 still standing after 1 was knocked out in Week 9.

    • 7 still standing after 7 were knocked out in Week 8.

    • 14 still standing after 1 was knocked out in Week 7.

    • 15 still standing after 30 were knocked out in Week 6.

    • 45 still standing after 11 were knocked out in Week 5.

    • 56 still standing after 23 were knocked out in Week 4.

    • 79 still standing after 28 were knocked out in Week 3.

    • 107 still standing after 519 were knocked out in Week 2.

    • 626 still standing after Week 1.

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